7th Birthday Contest – Vita Edition!

It happened, MyPSVITA.pl reached its 7th birthday! We didn’t make it with 700 reviews to make the occasion even better but we have nice contest instead!

In January we asked you which games you would like to win in our upcoming birthday contest. We gathered the answers and picked up what was available and matched your desires. Here’s a sneak peek (Deadpool isn’t a prize :P):

Like always we won’t send that stuff just like that, you need to do something first:

1. Take a photo of your PSVita games collection or place where you play, or just your console!  generally we want to see a picture showing how much you appreciate your Vita. It can be by games you bought, both physical and digital, or how you pimped your console, or you can show us how/where you play. We’re counting on your creativity!

2. Name at least two confirmed upcoming PSV games you want to play! that one doesn’t need further explanation.

Contest entry has to  be sent to our email address (mypsvitapl@gmail.com). Title it „7th Birthday Contest”, in attachment add photo signed with your PSN ID and don’t forget to list those two upcoming games! You can send your entry till midnight (GMT+1) on Sunday, March 25th 2018.

From all properly sent emails we will draw 5 winners. Winners will choose prize on their own. Order will be based on draw order. You have a chance to win one of the following physical releases:

  • Unepic – Play-Asia limited Edition (only 500 were made!)
  • Cursed Castilla – Play-Asia limited Edition (also already sold out!)
  • Chaos;Child
  • Lumo
  • Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls

This giveaway is possible thanks to Play-Asia.com and all of you, who bought stuff there with our -$3  coupon – MYPSVITA – and/or through our reflink! We hope you will continue to support that great store and help us to remain their partner by using code and reflink. Thanks to that we will be able to make more contests like this one and continue our journey to review as many PS Vita games, as possible 🙂


  1. We are waiting for entries till midnight on Sunday, March 25th 2018.
  2. Everyone can send only one entry. Entry has to be sent on mypsvitapl@gmail.com with „7th Birthday Contest” in title.
  3. Email needs to contain photo matching said specifies and be signed with PSN ID.  You also have to list two upcoming PSV games you want to play.
  4. Winners will be announced on Friday, March 30th.
  5. Winners will be announced by their PSN ID used to sign photo. Every entry means agreement to publish sent photo.
  6. Order of prize choosing will be decided through draw place. In case of winning, you have 24h to reply on e-mail with available prizes. If you won’t respond in that time, you will be automatically moved to the end of line.
  7. Games will be send by post as registered letter. Depending on country it will take some time to arrive.
  8. Members of myhandhelds.pl team cannot participate in contest. Our external helpers can participate, former members cannot participate if they had been a part of our team in the last 12 months.


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  1. alf pisze:

    Heyka. Mam nastepujace pytania:
    1. Czy zdjecie ma byc dokladnie jedno ?
    2. Czy sa jakies wymogi co do wielkosci i jakosci zdjecia ?
    3. Czy nalezy dodac dodatkowo jakis opis do zdjecia ?
    4. Czy po odebraniu emaila, wysylacie maila zwrotnego z informacją o prawidłowym otrzymaniu zgłoszenia do konkursu ? Zdarza się, że gmail odrzuca maile z załącznikami lub istnieje możliwość że zapomniało się dodać załącznik. Fajnie byłoby otrzymać informację zwrotną, że wszystko jest ok.
    Hi, I have following questions:
    1. Do you require just one photo ?
    2. Are there any requirements regarding the size and quality of the photo ?
    3. Do i need to include a description of the photo ?
    4. Do you send a confirmation email upon receiving an entry ? It would be nice to know that the entry has been received succesfully and it matches all of your requirements.


    • Quithe pisze:

      No to tak:
      1. Nawet jeśli zrobisz więcej, wybierzemy jedno. / Even if you make more, we will choose one.
      2. Nope.
      3. Nope.
      4. Nie, ale jeśli chcesz, to potwierdzę otrzymanie./ No, but if you want, I can confirm that I got it.

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